- Incense
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- Lapchi Nesang Powder
Lapchi Nesang Powder
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Lapch Nesang
The Sacred Incense of Lapchi Milarepa
100% Pure Natural Herbs & Hand Made
The sacred incense Powder of Lapchi. According to the words of the Buddha Lapchi Snow mountain is the sacred speech mandala of Chakrasamvara. Not onlywas Lpachi blessed by Chakrasamvara, it was also the longterm retreat place of Jetsun Milarepa. Lapchi has also been blessed by the many great masters such as Saraha, Shantha Rakita, Yuthok Yonten Gonpo, and great disciples of the incomparable Lord Jigten Sumgon. Lapchi is located at as altitude of 4600 meters above sea level. This isolated natural enviroment has clean air and rich resources such as wild herbs.
• Highest Quality, All Natural
• Made in Nepal
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